Extreme Terrain's Student Scholarship

2 x $2500 scholarships for students pursuing a degree in Biology, Environmental Studies, Civil Engineering, Environmental Research, Land Use, Earth and Atmosphere Studies, Sustainable Land Management, Parks and Recreation, or Sustainable Agriculture Systems. One scholarship will be awarded for the fall semester and another for the spring semester each year. Spring semester deadline is October 15, 2022

Eligibility: Undergraduate college/university students and high school seniors who are pursuing a degree in Environmental Studies, Ecology, Land Use, Earth & Atmosphere Sciences, Sustainable Land Management, Environmental Biology, Sustainable Agriculture Systems. Proof of enrollment is required along with submission. Any questions or clarification of what constitutes proof of enrollment can be emailed here.

ExtremeTerrain Scholarships are non-renewable, however previous winners who are still eligible may submit a new essay that follows the same criteria. Entries are limited to one essay per student each semester.
